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[On Forbes] Minotti Marks 75th Anniversary With Sleek New Collection, Revealed In First-Ever Film
In the dynamic sphere of contemporary furniture design, Minotti stands as a paragon of style and innovation. For an impressive 75 years, this Italian powerhouse has been orchestrating a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, its roots firmly planted in the fertile soil of classical design, while its branches reach out to the future, casting a shadow of influence that extends far beyond its immediate surroundings.
[Vogue] 從歷史經典到現代奢華,精選12間家具品牌讓你找到稱心選擇
家具是裝點家的核心元素,在玲琅滿目的家具中,有的自成一派,有的賞心悅目,有的故事連篇,有的甘為綠葉。在《VOGUE》Hong Kong發布的Design Directory 2024目錄當中,我們精選了12個家具品牌,從歷史經典到現代奢華,為你提供多樣選擇。