[Gafencu] Minotti Hong Kong by Andante fully supported Italian Design Day 2024!
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[Vogue] 從歷史經典到現代奢華,精選12間家具品牌讓你找到稱心選擇
家具是裝點家的核心元素,在玲琅滿目的家具中,有的自成一派,有的賞心悅目,有的故事連篇,有的甘為綠葉。在《VOGUE》Hong Kong發布的Design Directory 2024目錄當中,我們精選了12個家具品牌,從歷史經典到現代奢華,為你提供多樣選擇。
[Consul General of Italy in Hong Kong] Venice, Milan and Verona hosted in April major international events focused on art, design and wine
Venice, Milan and Verona hosted in April major international events focused on art, design and wine. New ideas, new projects and new synergies ...